Wireless Hotel Call Bells

Our SEWACall™ solution gives guests their privacy or service calls with a single click from their beds.

One of the most defining aspects of hotel industry is that it focuses on customer satisfaction, providing them the best class and luxury services. We provide the best technical and digital solutions for the conventional manual ways that guests uses to ask for privacy or cleaning up their rooms or calling up for service.

SEWACall™ wireless hotel call bells are well developed as per latest technology trends that ensure to benefit the client business and their customers as well.
 Increased service quality & customer satisfaction will ensure maximized revenue to our clients.

Advantages of wireless hotel call bell system

  • Improvised hospitality.
  • Guest’s better privacy.
  • Discrete communication between staff and guests.
  • Wall mounted Wireless installation.
  • Low maintenance cost system.
  • Technology oriented and user friendly.

For more info please click https://jpnovations.com/wireless-calling-systems-for-hotels

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SEWACall - by Jpnovations Solutions
SEWACall - by Jpnovations Solutions

Written by SEWACall - by Jpnovations Solutions


SEWACall™ is wireless call system brand from Jpnovations Solutions, manufacturer of wireless waiter call, nurse call, office call bell and guest paging systems.

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