Wireless Nurse Call Systems


There was time when our team used to be wrap up wires, lan cables and so much more to install the conventional wired nurse call systems. The story does not ends here, when it came to maintenance of the systems it was much more headache for the team.

One good day, when our team head thought to get free from these wires, than came up the bright idea of the Wireless nurse call system. Its all started in 2016 and it’s on till the day. The SEWACall™ systems are reliable , wireless and 100% plug&play systems.

How SEWACall™ wireless nurse call system works?

Working of wireless nurse call system

SEWACall™ wireless nurse call system work on wireless RF technology with a transmission range of 70–100mts in open area and are 100% plug & play, battery operated systems.

  • The bed side units(with a 120cm long flexible cord) are fixed at the patient bed in the room, which is used to call the nurse by press of the handly remote.Nurse can press cancel on the same button.
  • The emergency pull cord call buttons are fixeds in the washrooms/toilets, in case of any emergency the patient can trigger the call with a gentle pull of the cord.
  • The led door indicators are fixed outside the rooms , which indicate different type of calls with different colours.It glows whenever any call button from room or washroom is pressed.
  • The nurse station is installed with a led panel display. The room number/bed number is displayed with an audio alert to notify the nurses which patient needs attention.
  • Signal boosters are optional , which are used in case of increase the transmission distance if needed in any case.

Advantages of wireless nurse call system

  • Discrete communication between nurses and patients.
  • Long cord call button for serious patients.
  • Wireless personal/nurse wrist monitor.
  • Easily handle emergency situations.
  • Easy to use.
  • Hassle free Wireless installation.
  • Low maintenance system.
  • Technology oriented and user friendly.

Video of wireless nurse call system

Contact info

Website :: https://jpnovations.com

Whatsapp :: +918010729729 (Click to text)

Email :: demo@jpnovations.com



SEWACall - by Jpnovations Solutions
SEWACall - by Jpnovations Solutions

Written by SEWACall - by Jpnovations Solutions


SEWACall™ is wireless call system brand from Jpnovations Solutions, manufacturer of wireless waiter call, nurse call, office call bell and guest paging systems.

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